Bollywood celebs are making a beeline to meet Dalai Lama, who addressed the Global Buddhist Convention that happened at New Delhi yesterday. Most notable among them are actors Aamir Khan, Hrithik Roshan and sportsman turned actor, Leander Paes.
“The Dalai Lama has always been a person that I have admired all through my life. I have grown up reading about him. I am meeting him personally as he is in India and for that I have postponed the inauguration of my tennis academy. This is an opportunity that I did’t want to miss at any cost,” says tennis player Leander, who’ll soon make a Bollywood debut.
Aamir, too, is apparently keen to meet with the spiritual leader and Nobel prize winner to express his solidarity with his cause.
“Aamir has just been appointed as the brand ambassador for the UNICEF. He clearly wants to be associated with serious issues. Besides, Dalai Lama is a personality that he has admired right from the beginning. He wants to meet him to seek his blessings,” says a source. Hrithik, meanwhile, “has long been a follower of the Dalai Lama since his teenage years. He, too, is eager to meet his idol,” says a source.
“The Dalai Lama has always been a person that I have admired all through my life. I have grown up reading about him. I am meeting him personally as he is in India and for that I have postponed the inauguration of my tennis academy. This is an opportunity that I did’t want to miss at any cost,” says tennis player Leander, who’ll soon make a Bollywood debut.
Aamir, too, is apparently keen to meet with the spiritual leader and Nobel prize winner to express his solidarity with his cause.
“Aamir has just been appointed as the brand ambassador for the UNICEF. He clearly wants to be associated with serious issues. Besides, Dalai Lama is a personality that he has admired right from the beginning. He wants to meet him to seek his blessings,” says a source. Hrithik, meanwhile, “has long been a follower of the Dalai Lama since his teenage years. He, too, is eager to meet his idol,” says a source.
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